Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What is information assurance and how it relates to information security?

We are living and doing business in an active asymmetric threat to the environment. An individual, business or organization must customize and protect your vital information assets and critical digital infrastructure. If this fails is ruthless and may need to take as an apparent lack of due diligence for people, the fiduciary and non-custodial responsibility.
Each event, the damage to information resources, causes, that whether it is a computer virus, natural disaster or system failure could be devastating for an individual (i.e., identity theft), company, customers, suppliers and shareholders. Fails, this to do could threaten the survival of the company itself.
Security breach information system can serious financial losses, that result in disclosure of protected private information, loss of data research and development or fines from regulatory authorities. The public (for example power cuts) could adversely affect losses due to intrusion into an information system. This can lead and costly to allow class-action lawsuits to pay the ability of an organization could exceed to their resolution. Even a person for negligence could be sued and financially ruined.
Protect an organization or person should as well as his valuable digital processing infrastructure? A company should create and implement a comprehensive information assurance. Individuals should address at least the components of a professional information assurance plan. This is proof that try infrastruktureigner practice due diligence.
An information assurance plan for an organization should be formalised and approved policies of the Organization and have the following components: confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability and non-repudiation.
Let us briefly examine each:
A. Confidentiality refers to limiting access to data, information or a component of the digital processing infrastructure it is a "need" for an individual, you can access. The "need" must be aligned with an employee's job requirements and the Mission of the organization. Strong confidentiality prevents the disclosure of sensitive records, research and development information.
B. integrity refers to the maintenance of the validity and reliability of the information used for decision-making. An information infrastructure that has integrity can depending on to make decisions. The information is otherwise useless. Integrity must be ensured aggressively.
C. availability is this feature of information, ensuring that critical information and access exactly when and where it is needed and where it is required, so that decisions can be made. Computers and networks must be protected to ensure, the mission-critical data on page if necessary.
D. accountability refers to the idea of responsibility to an individual or a group of people for each part of the digital processing infrastructure. The information infrastructure is accessed each time, someone must be responsible for its safe and legitimate use. Otherwise, the system is open to serious security breaches.
E. non-repudiation is this component of the information assurance which guarantees that each party to a transaction to its results is bound. E-Commerce, would be, for example, impossible without provisions to ensure that a customer is actually a purchase made.
Confidentiality, is integrity, availability and non-repudiation of information processing infrastructure critical for the survival of an organization.


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