Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life insurance and life assurance are not the same!

The average man in the street assumes that these are names for the same form of insurance life insurance and life insurance. How wrong are they! But are not the head in shame, many financial commentators get it wrong! Life insurance and life insurance result in various financial roles and Poland in the cost - apart are, so it helps to surf for the right product.

Life insurance provides you with insurance cover for a certain period of time (known as the "Term" directive). If you die while the policy is in place, the insurance bet pays a tax free amount. If you survive to the end of the term, the policy is completed and has no residual value of any kind. It has only one value, if a claim is - in this context it exactly as your car insurance!

Life insurance is different. It is a hybrid mix of investment and insurance. A life insurance policy pays an amount corresponding to the higher of either a composite of the directive, the technical provisions or his investment valuation guaranteed minimum. The value of the investment element is then on the insurance company investment performance, and time, which was the premium numbers have ordered one.

Each year the insurance company annual bonus adds life to the guaranteed value of your policy and it is usually at the end of an extra "terminal bonus". Therefore, as the years by your life insurance policy value growth, go to accumulate bonuses such as the investment. The value of these bonuses are then determined by the insurance company investment performance. As soon as the policy of investment value has been assigned, you can use it with the insurance company in money. Most people get but a far better price for their life insurance policy by selling to a specialist investment broker, instead of it in cash with the insurance company.

If you policy term die during a life insurance policy, the policy of the higher pays the amount of the guarantee minimum or the accumulated value of annual investment bonuses. However, if you still life, if the policy is terminated, you usually a larger payout. This is because with most insurance companies, additional terminal bonus is awarded.

There is one called also a specialized form of life insurance "Whole of life". These policies remain in force for as long as you live, and as such have no default term.

It is also a practical difference for the Internet user. While you can buy life insurance online, view of the financial services authority life insurance as basically a investment product. As such believe it, that it sold a financial advisor with advice based on the consultant full understanding of your personal data best is. Therefore, you will buy online not to life insurance. In the Internet you can find but a suitable financial advisor, with which you can meet and discuss your requirements.

What are life insurance policies and used life insurance for?

Life insurance is usually a focal point of the financial protection of the family. It is ideally suited to ensure that known debts such as such as a mortgage, are repaid in the event of death of the policyholder.

If it is provided to the general use lump sum, that the policyholder were to die while the policy was in effect, can be used either life insurance or life insurance. The differences are, that with life insurance the size of the payout be would, while with life insurance of guaranteed minimum and the insurance company investment performance slopes. But keep in mind, at the end of the policy term worthless life insurance, life insurance is paid should a considerable investment sum. In this context seems life far more worthwhile, but in practice, more people choose for life insurance. Why? It is a question of costs. Life insurance is much cheaper than life insurance. Also in recent years, investment returns on life insurance policies have fallen significantly and many insurance companies sanctions for redeem early directives. This has affected the resale value of life insurance policies.

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