Thursday, July 28, 2011

Types of life insurance

I would like to return to basics and discuss life. Many people do not like talking about coverage of life, however, that the old saying goes you did avoid "death or taxes" and coverage of life therefore plays an important role in our lives that we are making progress through the different stages of life.
Life takes many forms, including the term insurance, benefits family income, overall coverage of life and specialist of the coverage as cover serious illness. Each of these products is designed to meet certain needs at different times in your life. Let's examine each type of coverage and discuss how they fit a specific need.
Term insurance is normally the most profitable type of coverage of life as it has no content investment, which means premiums tend to be cheaper. This type of life cover can be used to protect a mortgage debt on a fixed term. For example if you have a mortgage of £ 100000 more than 25 years, you would be to cover the amount on the term of the mortgage. Once completed the mortgage then the policy will be as wise. Therefore if you, or in the case of a policy of life common, your partner should die during the term of the mortgage, there are sufficient funds to clear the large mortgage. Term insurance can be level i.e. the insured sum is the same for the duration or decreases, which means the sum insured reduced each year. This type of insurance term is commonly used to protect the repayment mortgage.
Family income benefit
Family income benefit are not as well known, but it is still a term insurance policy. It differs from the insurance of the normal period because instead of paying a lump sum on death, it pays and income monthly or annual. Family income benefit are really good for young families on a budget, it tends to be even cheaper than normal coverage. So, how does it work? Well instead of saying you need coverage of the life of £ 200000, you could say I want £ 30000 per year paid if I die during the term of the policy. So if you had a year 18 political income family benefits and died in the second year, the policy would pay £ 30000 per year for the next years 16 for your dependants. It is in my opinion a really cost affective way to protect your children if something was to happen to you and premiums tend to be much cheaper.
Whole of life cover
The index is in the title here as the whole of life cover is designed for you to cover, you guess, the whole of your life! Unlike term insurance, whole life coverage will pay when ever you die. That is why it tends to be more expensive than term insurance. I don't want to go into too much detail on the technical aspect of this coverage at the time, suffice it to say that it is in two forms, with the content of the investment and without investment content. It is really more suited to those who wish to cover funeral expenses or to leave their family or others a lump sum. However, a word of warning if you are considering this cover always take financial advice of independent advice. There are issues with trusts, inheritance and so on. Any decision on any type of coverage of life need of advice, whether any life insurance or term.
Critical illness coverage
I will not go into details on the critical illness cover because it really needs a newsletter all to itself. I would like to dispel a few myths and clarify which cover tender type. Serious illness pays a lump sum on the confirmed diagnosis of a defined disease. It does not pay income, if you are sick, or pay unemployment benefits. It's two completely different products, one being permanent health insurance, the other being the protection of the payment. Definitions of serious disease vary greatly from a provider to a provider and once more, it is essential that you take independent financial advice. The least expensive premium does not always mean the best coverage, some serious illness policy could cover that the terms of 12, but another might cover 24! For the same price. Serious illness is most often associated with a heart attack or Cancer, and in most cases if you survive 28 days, they will pay in a lump sum. Certainly there are some exclusions to the types of heart attacks and cancer according to the provider, advice here are vital. Certainly, serious illness has its place and is suitable for those without dependants, as the lump sum is paid to them on the survival of the illness. It is the good coverage if you have mortgage too, as it will clear the mortgage debt, if the sum insured is enough to do so. Experience, I had the pleasure to inform a client after a massive heart attack that he survived that its mortgage has been paid in full to height of £ 247000.He will still strong but has no mortgage worry longer and is much less stressed. All critical illness cover is the most expensive, but can be adapted to meet most budgets, even if you have coverage is beater than anything


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