Friday, July 15, 2011

Life insurance - the social fracture

As with any policy of insurance risk factor is important to the insurer in the calculation of the cost you the insured.
As you can imagine in the case of life insurance, all this makes you more risky in terms of hereditary diseases and existing health problems increase your possible future prices to the insurer. Your policy premium will increase therefore proportionately to take into account.
This has long been the case and is widely accepted as a fairly common practice in the world of life.
However - new research from Cornell University in America seem to show that the socio-economic status (class gap - rich and the poor) can be an important factor.
Those from a poor environment and therefore more likely to be stressed easily seem to run the risk of a shorter life span where those from a more rich environment are likely to have a longer life expectancy as in a direct comparison. Of course other factors influence the final result, as the level of medical care, that a person can afford, and this tends also to the sides of the richest.
The problem, that it seems is that emphasized in turn causing physiological damage to internal organs and tissues that may increase the risk of medical problems and a shorter life expectancy.
The study looked at a group of 200 children of New York (half from rich media) and the other half of poor studied the mechanisms of regulation of stress in children and found that those of the rich background respond much better environmental stress which means that they were less likely to develop physiological damage.
This research was taken seriously by life insurance companies - an insurer being passed as plues pensions far in donations to those living in the poorest postal codes on the assumption that they will have shorter lifetimes.
As with any policy of insurance price is always at the top of the list of drivers and find that a good agreement is certainly possible if you are ready to take the time to research on the issue. You need to compare different insurers, the level of coverage that they provide and how the price is affected.
It is important to remember to be completely honest with the insurer for the application of your term insurance policy that you could find your policy of no effect at a later date if you reveal not all medical information and hereditary diseases in your family.
Pre-existing medical conditions will of course increase the price to pay for your policy but worth the peace of mind when it comes to coverage of your life.
Of course, there is little you can do to change your circumstances in life, and unfortunately, some of us will have to pay more for our policies than others. However there are a few things you can do positively affect your price such that lose a small amount of weight (if you are considered as obese) or to give up smoking (most of the companies only will it consider once you have remained a non-smoker for a period of at least 1 year). Other that that is really a case of shop to find the best conditions for you.


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