Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to have assurance in your relationship

You understand that God of Jesus Christ teaches us through personal experience, how to create a fabulous, have long to love lasting and relationship? All we have to do is compare the personal experience, we have Jesus Christ that and questions us, "what would Jesus?" The personal experience with God in our lives helps us have we learn and grow in love. After all, love is what makes and it breaks relations. 1 John chapter 3 verse reads "11": because that's the message that you should heard from the beginning that we love each other.

Often we have conversations with people we befriend or employees who deal with ethics: right and wrong, or good and evil. People to categorize often even with good and evil based on their belief system and the circumstances right now. Each person according to their belief system, has the ability, its streamline or to consider their actions or reactions based on the way, how, you the world at a given moment in time. Therefore, we have the moving target of right and wrong, good and evil and what is ethical. It is therefore necessary, immutable laws, legislation, giving of God to people, to think the truth and life.

I also thinking how this affects us in our relations, and I discovered that God's laws affect people, by he us quality assurance of what is right and wrong and his holy spirit leads and leads us in justice and truth. However, it is up to us, what has God for us to get. As individuals, we can to ignore gods influence in our lives. Those of us to seek peace and love, would be well served, to attention what God give laws us in the Bible and especially the words of Jesus Christ taught by the Scriptures. Because it gods laws, which give us assurance in our relations.

What you need

The definition of "Assurance" is: inspired confidence; Guarantee or pledge; Free from doubt, Self confidence; Guess.

We all need the simple examples to understand the God us to establish and maintain relations of Bible figure in the old and New Testament teachings. We must bear in mind that there are many types of relations remain: industrial relations, dating relationships, male and female relations, church relations, spiritual relationship, lustful relationships, love, relationships, etc..

The Bible talks about all kinds of relationships, and we need to understand what these relationships are. For example, God established the Church (we are the church together, each person of the Holy Spirit dwells in is part of the Church.) (Some get this confused with the church building) his bride because he, whether or not loves each and every person, if they love it. God is a jealous God. Therefore he sent his son, the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for the sins of the world.

Just by reading and studying the Bible, particularly the words of Jesus, you get a full understanding of what God you need. 2 Timothy Chapter 2 verse 15 says: "15": study to shew thee God, a worker not to be ashamed of the poor, the word of truth rightly dividing approved. This is the certainty we have for our relations.

If you need it

Now that we know that the word of God gives us statement and quality assurance in relationships, it is equally important that we understand the word of God, we must know if we need to use it. The word of God is not something that you read and intellectualize. God's Word is truth and life. We need to gods word all the time, in any situation, in every respect, in any process or tribulation, in every party and every occasion. Is John, Chapter 1, verse 17: "17": for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth of Jesus Christ came. The words of God are for every situation in our lives, all the time. This warranty gives us the confidence we need to respond and act like Jesus Christ in every relationship we have.

Why do you need it

We humans have a tendency in relationships and streamline what is right and wrong, good and evil based on how we feel at the moment, we need the word of God so that we can find our way back to the truth. Have you ever noticed someone doing something bad to someone and then tells him that they love her? Does not make, you questions, true? What is good, to do, it is synonymous with love. 1 Peter Chapter 3 tells, how people should act against.

"8": At last, all are one mind that compassion is a another, love as brethren, pathetic, polite:

"9": Not render evil for evil or railing for railing: but on the contrary blessing; We know that you called him that ye should inherit a blessing.

"10": For the love of life, and see good days, his tongue from evil, and his lips had him, that they no wrong talk to refrain from:

"11": Let him avoid evil, and good; Let him be peace to look, and it.
As you can imagine if we stock in our own life, day after day, could take, minute by minute said, I would venture to say, every day, that is each of us of what like Peter. Therefore, you need Word and his Holy Spirit gods

Colossians Chapter 2 speaks verse 2 understanding and knowledge of God and Jesus Christ for assurance to get. "2":, That their hearts together in love and for all the riches of the full assurance of understanding, the recognition of the mystery of God who knit father, and of Christ comforted be could,.

Assurance have is wisdom and insight that goes in the reliance on the things that you received from someone or can someone give. Assurance have you to do the things of God get the spirit of Jesus Christ. This gives us the faith, to get these things, we can see, and nobody can take away by faith with confidence that what God has for us.

Faith is necessary, quality assurance to

We believe in God believe must have and believe is by reading and listening to the word of God. Romans Chapter 10 verse 17 States,.

"17": So feel comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

After we hear the word of God through the Bible, we need it for us to meditate on it and allow the spirit of God, to our mind Minister read. We get assurance in God through the Holy Spirit.


To quality assurance in your relationship have, find out more about what Jesus Christ through relationships says and follow him.

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