Friday, April 15, 2011

Each child has a unique image of it self,

partly through the influence of the parents. Her child is born with a self-image or self-assurance. Both properties are learned by experience from birth.

But who is the self-assured child? Simply put, it is the child who convinced of their self-esteem and their talents and abilities. Confidence and outgoing child, Show that don't worry, the world of the unique way he or she seems.

The process of creating self-confident child begins at birth. Children are born with a clean slate and not implicitly know and understand their own value. The seeds of confidence and self esteem, must be carefully sown by the adult figures in the life of a child.

Let's look at 3 ½ year old Jennifer:

Jennifer attends pre-school. As part of that at the end of the year wrap up, MOM and dad met with Jen's preschool teacher, Mrs. Hamilton.

Mrs. Hamilton tells Jen's parents, that they that Jennifer pointed out, that seeks feedback on their services. "Conclusion of Jennifer a drawing" Mrs. Hamilton, notes, "it is certainly not sure if it's good, and therefore error fails, all the happiness problem." "Instead, ask them their teachers for re-assurance that the drawing is beautiful and has fortunately made."

Jennifer's parents have seen similar behavior and game data at home with other kids. "Jennifer has enormous difficulties choosing colors of crayons to food," explains Jennifer's mother. "" If I want to ask what your asking them eat, "are always my decisions what?" "and I start for them to choose narrow. " Sometimes, I'm still the decision for them. "It doesn't matter, I choose what-even if it never glad to know Jennifer's and always claimed, why has their favorite food, the food." Mrs. Hamilton says Jennifer's parents, who they meet Jennifer to speak again responsible you have with a teacher or an adult, demands a statement as to direction. "Whatever", how often, trying to talk her Jennifer's father, observes "seems to have an awareness of their behavior."

The following tips can help you to educate children with confidence:

o praise your child: applause from the efforts, not only the result. Start early and free genuine compliments and honest.

o child homework and other activities see you: your child give constructive feedback about their work, so that your child is safe and can be considered realistic

o frame social interactions: you type with the limits of your child that speak and respond to others

o the following: decisions: your child can choose a limited number of choices. Too much community involvement against the child and lead to frustration and confusion

o lead: always keep an eye on and to take over if necessary

Remember: the process of building self-esteem to begin at birth, but it is never too late to positive behavior.

The recipe for success in child trust is simple; Connect with your child through positive interaction and communication, and unconditional love and support.

You are on the way your child forever cooperates, and feel about yourself. If you have any questions, you can achieve a professional help.

Dr. Charles Sofie serves currently services (DCFS), which is responsible as medical director for the Los Angeles County Department of children and family for the health, safety and well-being of nearly 40,000 foster children. He also has a private practice Psychiatry in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Sofie learned extensively and is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles Neuropsychiatric Institute. His lectures and teachings are consistent as the best of the current classified.


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