Monday, July 16, 2007

Traveling Around

Who does not love a vacation? Or do not like shopping? Do not like to go? Basically anyone who does not like to have fun refreshing? If my friends find the super serious like, oh, the task of friends for the very heavy a for roads. 

But actually a lot that we can loh favor when we have the opportunity of roads, especially to foreign countries, most do not go out of town. 

Here is a fun things that we can enjoy when traveling: 
Sight seeing, meaning is see scene, for example, in Bali aja, friends can enjoy the beautiful sunset at the beach, or in the Bromo sunrise, or to see a special scene in other places that we go. 
LOCAL SHOW NONTON, this is related to culture (cultural), each place has a certain local culture, such as the Kecak dance in Bali, or dance Jaipong in West Java, of course if the fun after lunch or dinner, go to our local show while relaxing. It will also enrich the cultural perspective we loh. 
LOCAL VEHICLE try, for example, aja Bajaj in Jakarta, in other places in Indonesia seems to have a bajaj ya? There is the type of vehicle angkot non tricycle. For example, or friends have kesempatak to Thailand, a local vehicle in there (angkotnya) name tuk-tuk. 
Culinary TOUR, without a place to taste the food localnya loss dech like, for example, to Bali aja pas, cobain dech eat duck bengil, Blitar to fit, do not forget to eat pecelnya. Although the food - the food we can already see in our own city, it's still aja others when we eat at the origin. 
Souvenir Hunting, this is a fun activity especially for the girl, rarely do I like shopping, souvenir hunting there surely is fun, like trinkets made by the friends and family. I must be expensive, which is enjoy the process, so each item to be so special. 

Nah just a lot that we can enjoy when traveling? Not only fun but also add insight. 

A special friends often to foreign countries or have plans to overseas, there is this e-book collection of useful tips concerning how to tips-sparing roads to foreign countries at SINI. 

Hopefully useful.


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